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Classic CAUSA 231 Devin 540p

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Classic CAUSA 231 Devin
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He’s BAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaack… After Devin’s first shoot back in February, I contacted him a month or so later and never heard back from him. I figured then that I would only get one video from this über hottie. So, when I noticed a familiar face back on my favorite sex & swingers site, I couldn’t drop an email to him fast enough! ?? Luckily, Devin was happy to hear from me & eager to participate in a second shoot, so I wasted no time bringing him in. Thank gawd! WOW! What a video! If you recall Devin’s first video, he was on the verge of orgasm throughout, and this one was no different — except for I finally got to add rimming, licking, and sucking to the rubbing & tugging that we’d done before. And Devin was in seventh heaven! I didn’t notice until I was reviewing the over 23,000 images captured directly from the video, that there were three phases to Devin’s orgasm. Firstly, he had the standard 7-8 spurt ejaculation within several seconds of the start of the orgasm. Since he was still into it, I kept stroking, and that extended his orgasm to another ejaculation, and then a final ejaculation several seconds after that. Given Devin’s response, I think it was the best 48 seconds of his life. ?? Enjoy! CB ~ Casey Black ~ Messing. With. TexAZ. ©
catégories: Amateur Massage

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