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Latino lovers Seth and Alejandro 720p

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Latino lovers Seth and Alejandro
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Seth is out for a walk in the heart of downtown doing some window shopping. As he is walking about a photographer by the name of Daxton approaches him and offers to shoot him some time or at least come to his studio to check out his work. Seth is open to it but wants to go to his studio and see his work before he makes any decisions. They get back to the studio and Seth likes what he sees but begins to feel uncomfortable as Daxton is hitting on him and Seth can feel that if he stays any long he might cheat on his BF so he leaves the studio and heads back home for the night. Seth is relaxing on his bed thinking about the chance encounter with the photographer when his BF Alejandro comes walking in from work. Alejandro doesn't even acknowledge Seth but begins to undress and hornys Seth to suck his cock has he dresses down. Seth is a loyal BF and extremely horny but he knows that the passion is long gone in his relationship and begins to see Daxton's face instead of Alejandro as he pounds his deep ass. Seth is becoming more turned on now that he is fantasizing about the photographer so he begins to thrust into Alejandro for the full enjoyment of the fantasy. Seth loses grip on reality and can only see Daxton when he looks at his BF on top of him thrusting in and out of his eager ass. He can feel that his balls are about to let loose and his fantasy will be coming to a close or will it.
catégories: Anal Grosse bite Latino

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