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Hot gay pounding 720p

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Rikk is cleaning up around the house and he hears his doorbell ring. He's confused because he is not expecting anyone and his BF is out of town. He answers the door and Alessio is standing there excited and eager. Rikk is pissed that he just showed up without calling since they both have BFs. Alessio tells him not to worry because his BF has left on a work trip and he already knew that Rikks BF would be gone. They begin to make out at the door and soon making their way upstairs to rip their clothes off. Just before they get into sex Alessio gets a phone call from his BF so they have to halt everything in the middle of the passion. Alessio tells Hunter that he's at the gym and will talk with him later. He goes back to the bed and Rikk isn't too happy about it but they begin to suck and fuck without a care in the world. These two lovers are passionate for each other and they both want to break up with their BFs for each other but neither one has done it yet. After the hot pounding and cum releasing they make a deal that they must break up with their BFs before they meet up again. They agree to it but Alessio seems a little apprehensive.
catégories: Ours Grosse bite HD

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